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AAFF Rankings

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1AAFF Rankings Empty AAFF Rankings Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:02 pm



Overall - ATT+MID+DEF - Total Average Age - Starting 11 Average Age

  1. Varkana: [78] - (78)+(78)+(78) - 26.06 - 26.36

Methodology: Using this website as database for existing real life players, Adonian Roleplayers will set up their national teams and club teams with real life players. Combining the players' stats, among other characteristics such as where the players play (leagues, internationals, etc.), their age, their environment, etc., teams ratings can be set, and this their rankings. As a result, we will be able to simulate realistic games, while giving opportunities for roleplayers to have more freedom regarding their team squads.

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